Monday, December 24, 2012

Anise Cookies


     This is a familiar recipe from my wife's family.  I honestly cannot remember having these cookies growing up.  Anise wasn't a staple in our house but I became very familiar with it while working at a Greek restaurant back in Atlanta.  You see this spice used frequently in Mediterranean cuisine, even though the plant did not originate from that area of the world.
     The first recorded appearance of this plant was in Asia.  Not long after it became a commonly traded product in the local markets, Anise made it's way into Europe, Northern Africa, and eventually North America.   
     A part of my wife's family originates from Sicily.  This is a recipe that my mother-in-law had passed down to her over the years.  My wife always loved these cookies and triggers happy memories of passed holidays so this year, she decided to get the recipe from her mom and make them herself. 
     I've tried to do a little research on the history of Anise Cookies but you can't find a lot.  It's traditional to the country of Italy, specifically Sicily.  All that I've found is that they have a long history in Sicily and that's about it.  There are a couple variations on how they originated but nothing really stands out as the actual truth.  So for now, we can live with the fact that it's an old, traditional, Italian recipe and leave it at that.

     Star Anise is used in savory and sweet applications.  The most common flavor application that I've used is Ouzo.  Ouzo is a Greek aperitif, for anyone that's never tried this beverage, it's extremely strong in both the alcohol content and anise flavor.  I used ouzo to deglaze my saute pans after searing cheese, or in the poaching liquid for Salmon or Halibut. 
     It was also used for medicinal purposes. Before modern medicine, it was primarily used to soothe upset stomachs or any intestinal complications. There are other medicinal applications but since this is a food blog, I'll leave that knowledge up to you if you choose to research it.
     For the sweet side, the only experience that I have with this are my wife's cookies.

     For this recipe, Lauren used Anise Extract but we had to add a lot more extract than what the recipe called for.  That's when it hit us that Anise Oil may have been the way to go.  Extracts are made with an alcohol base, which is the reason why extracts can dry out quickly if left out.  The alcohol will also take away from the flavor as well.  Oils permeate recipes thoroughly so the end result can be very strong if you're not careful.  As a matter of fact, if you haven't used flavored oils before, give it a shot and let me know what you think.
     If you have a chance to try one of these anise flavored, glazed Italian cookies, don't hesitate.  They're a great little treat. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Family Recipe

      This is the one recipe that I make a point to have each and every year.  It's a tradition with our family and these are very delicious.  It's just the right amount of peanut butter, chocolate, and one other ingredient that I'm going to leave out.  Almost everyone loves the combination of chocolate and peanut butter but add our extra flavor and this candy takes on another dimension.  Everyone has a traditional holiday dessert or candy that triggers memories and this one does that for me.
      First, we dissolve sugar in corn syrup and simmer until it's just under the thread stage using a candy thermometer as shown below.  It's very important that we constantly store the mixture so that it doesn't burn.  I like to use the thermometer to find the perfect temperature but that's not the way my mom made this candy.  She knew how long to cook it without a thermometer and it came out perfect every time.  Isn't that how it usually works?

      After the sugar mixture reaches the proper stage and consistency, we add peanut butter and fold in the cereal mixture.  It's very important that this happens quickly or it will be very difficult to spread out on the sheet pan.  While the candy base is cooling, we start the topping.  It's just a simple mixture of chocolate and....., oh yeah, I'm not telling you the other element that's in our topping.  We temper that mixture so that when it cools, it doesn't get as firm as it was in the chip form.  This step takes a while and really makes the house smell great.

      It's important to make sure the candy base is cooled completely or the topping will not set very well.  What's great about spreading the hot topping over the cooled candy is that the topping finds it way into all of the little nooks and crannies as seen in the end result below.  A great, chewy peanut butter candy with a sweet, delicate chocolate mixture on top.

      We also make a small amount without the chocolate topping for a couple of our family members.  I have to say though, the picture above with the topping is what makes this candy.
      Now, in case you're wondering, I will not be giving this recipe out.  I'm always happy to make some but that's about it.  As mentioned before, it's a family recipe and we just aren't ready to let go.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Time for Baking

     It's that time of year when almost every home is baking something that is only seen during the Holiday time.  Depending on what part of the world you're in will determine what you'll see made.  The options are endless, sugar cookies, quick breads, macaroons, truffles, cobblers, croissants, cakes, pies, etc. etc.  In my family, we typically made the same cookies every year.  It became a tradition for us as kids to decorate those sugar cookies with the endless varieties of sprinkles and the like. 
     For my wife and I, we do this a little differently.  There are two treats that we make each and every year.  One is the ever famous Peanut Blossoms.  You know, the peanut butter sugar cookie with a whole Hershey Kiss on top.  If you're not familiar with this, keep checking back since it will be one of my posts.  It's a great little item.  After the cookie comes out of the oven, you gently push the Hershey Kiss down into the cookie while it's still warm.  After cooling, the Hershey Kiss maintains it's shape and you're ready to enjoy.
     The other item that we make every year is a family recipe that my mom made every year for the family.  I can't have a single Christmas pass without making these bars.  Its a peanut butter rice krispie treat basically, minus the marshmallow with a chocolate butterscotch layer on top.  Some people are not fans of peanut butter but I definitely am and these bars are out of this world good. 
     I've had a few requests to bake a few items for the Holidays such as Pumpkin Ginger Bread so I decided to finally pick this blog back up and start posting these items as they're made.  I've worked some of these recipes over and over again to make sure they're spot on, especially since we've moved here to Colorado.  Baking in Colorado is much different due to the elevation and humidity levels, meaning zero.
     Keep checking back for some recipes and pictures.  Feel free to try them yourselves, that's the whole point of this page.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sweet Potatoes vs. Yams.....Do you know the difference?

     Now, most of the people that I know, refer to the common sweet potato as a yam.  The issue is, they're all incorrect.  First and foremost, just to get it out of the way, a true Yam is indigenous to Africa, South America, and the Pacific and they're larger than a football in most cases.  They typically grow to 100 lbs and heavier.  Just a little fact to get out of the way and now we can dive a little more into the distinction between the two.
     The pictures below are what most people will find in your local grocery store or farmers markets.  These are sweet potatoes.  There are a number of varieties of sweet potatoes with varying colors of flesh such as red, orange, purple, pink, yellow, or white.  In most cases, the color of the flesh will tell you the level of sweetness and starch that you will experience while eating them.  For instance, the typical orange color that we are all familiar with doesn't start out that sweet, it's while you cook the potato that the sweetness develops that we all enjoy so much.

     The two pictures below are two examples of yams.  As mentioned before, which you can't see too well in this setting, they are much bigger than the average sweet potato that's pictured above.  You wouldn't think by looking at the picture on the left that it weighed over 100 pounds. 
     There are several theories as to why Americans call the Sweet Potato a Yam.  Some believe that it started when slaves were brought here from Africa.  Since Yams were common in Northern Africa, that's what they were used to calling them so the term stuck.  Another theory is that Americans didn't know the difference so the term became confused and that's why both names are used.  After doing some research on my own, I found that both theories were incorrect. 
      In the 1930's, there was a marketing campaign that came out labeling all sweet potatoes, yams.  Now, because of this taking hold of the mainstream, the Department of Agriculture has required that all sweet potatoes to be labeled as yams and vice versa.  This is something that I'm not too fond of.  It doesn't make me angry and want to protest the government, I just want to inform where I can.



     The main reason for this post isn't to insult anyone, just to educate those businesses that are marketing their product incorrectly.  I see far too often that grocery stores label their product as a yam when it is clearly not a yam.  Since starting my career in food, I've made it a goal of mine to learn everything that I possibly can about the profession that I chose.  This is exactly why I started this blog, to further my education in the world of food and to pass along the information whenever I can.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Farm-to-Table Dinner

     I have never been a part of a Farm-to-Table dinner before so when I was asked to run this, I jumped on the opportunity.  As I've discussed before, the use of locally sourced ingredients is on the rise.  A lot of chefs are using this as a marketing technique picking up on what people are consumed with right now.  That's how you survive in the food business, creating menus based off of what sells.  Regardless of their motives, they're still supporting our local farmers and ranchers.
     My inspiration for this style of menu comes from walking through farmers markets or pulling up the websites of local farms to see what's offered.  For example, I went to a farmer's market recently and the options were: beets, greens, squash, mushrooms, herbs, pumpkins, etc. etc.  There were a few other options but not as prominent as what I listed.  This is an excellent start to a menu.
     Now, the trick is to not look at cookbooks, magazines, or the Internet.  Understand the flavors of what you have in front of you and think about what you would like to eat.  The dinner that we're creating has four courses.  The process in creating this menu is a little painstaking since everything that goes onto those plates is supposed to be a reflection of us as chef's. 
     The first step is to decide on a particular style of cuisine.  As is typical for the menus that I've created in the past, I focus primarily on the ingredients themselves, not on a particular style.  That can take on a wide spectrum of ideas in that ingredients from all over the world may be used, as long as it makes sense on the plate and the evolution of the meal. 
     I'm going to post several entries going over the evolution of our farm-to-table themed dinner.  Everything that I'm going to use must come from the local farms and ranches, except for items such as salt, pepper, and oil.  Stick with me and I'll do my best to keep updating about this meal.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Which type of milk would you prefer?

     Not every coffee shop asks this question but in my opinion, it's one of the most important questions.  For me, the type of milk you choose plays an important role in the end result of your beverage.  In addition, the type of bean used and how it's brewed is just as important to the end result.
     If you were to order a classic Cafe Latte, would you consider a heavier or lighter milk?  For me, whole milk would be preferred to create a velvety, smooth concoction.  I'm also not worried about the fat content when I'm getting an espresso drink, I want that fat.  It's definitely a pleasurable experience for me, drinking coffee.  What if you added caramel to the espresso though?  In that case, I'm okay with using 2% milk since I don't want it to be too rich.  Also, those shots of espresso that were carefully and skillfully pulled is now hidden under the richness from the caramel and milk.  No matter what the application, to make the espresso an afterthought is disappointing to say the least.
     For some drinks, the milk choice is standardized.  Consider the Cafe Breve that consists of espresso and steamed and frothed half & half.  It may sound rich and that's because it is.  This is more of an indulgence, a dessert, a treat for your senses instead of a necessary cup of coffee in the morning.  I remember getting one of these drinks and I don't believe that I could even finish a small.  I've had Creme Brulee desserts that were lighter than a Cafe Breve.
     Of course you have the alternative milk options.  Almond, Coconut, Soy, and Oat, among others have been popular in the western United States for quite some time but it's gaining prominence throughout the world more and more.  Given our ever continuing issues with poorly managed dairy's, some individuals are adamantly against milk consumption, even when no allergies are present.  There are bound to be hormones in your milk but at least we don't have to drink milk that has added growth hormones.
     I would encourage all coffee lovers and curious coffee adventurers looking to delve more into the beverage industry to get out there and try all that you can.  The variations will become much more noticeable as you develop your palate.  Different roasters have different palates and you're bound to find some that you hate but don't stop tasting and experiencing.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


     It's that time of year again when I get a little too excited about Fall since....Apples are coming!  I think this opening line, or maybe the title will give you the idea that apples are my favorite piece of produce out there.  If I had to pick a favorite season regarding weather, food, and nature, it would definitely be Fall.  I've mentioned before that my favorite protein to work with is fish.  Apples are not typically paired with fish but I've come up with a couple of dishes where it has worked beautifully.
     For example, I made an apple reduction with shallots, mustard seeds, apple juice, apple slices, and bay leaves that I paired with Halibut, roasted Strawberry Tomatoes, and beurre monte poached Yukon Gold Potatoes.  You can ask Lauren, it came out amazing.  Very simple flavors and combinations.  The apple reduction came out silky and full of flavor but it didn't take away from the delicate fish or mask the flavors of the other ingredients.
     The great thing about experimenting with apples is that there are over 7,500 different varieties of apples.  You could try one, every day of the year and it would take you over twenty years to go through every variety.  We all know the Red Delicious (which I don't find that delicious.  It's far too tannic for my taste), Golden Delicious, Fuji, Honeycrisp, New Zealand Cripps Pink, Pink Lady, and Ambrosia.  What about the Arkansas Black Apple, Api Etoile, Apricot Apple, Ashmead's Kernel, Orange Sweet, or the Zabergau Reinette Apple?  There are endless applications and flavor combinations and it's all based on the type of apple that you're using.
     Pork is a great dish to pair with apples but would you use an apple that is sweet and soft or flat and dense.  One is better for roasting than the other and some have such a pronounced flavor that you could take away from the main course.  What about baking?  Granny Smith's are commonly used since they are a little tougher and the sourness helps cut the butter and sugar in the recipe but you can still use a New Zealand Cripps to make that pie.  You just have to know how to treat the apple so it doesn't turn to apple sauce before you're done baking.
     Here are a few pairings that I've either had or made in the past:

                           Fuji Apple Reduction with Halibut
                           Caramelized Ambrosia Coffee Cake
                           Falstaff Apple Gratin with a Semolina Cake
                           Honeycrisp & Fig Tart with Tarragon Mascarpone Custard
                           Ginger Gold Apple Sorbet
                           Golden Delicious Apple & Orange Confit
                           Butternut Squash & Pink Lady Apple Soup with Citrus Cream

     We're coming up on the perfect time of year to get out there and hunt down some interesting varieties of apples.  I know that every time I find new apples, I buy a few to try.  Some will not interest you but at least you tried it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


     We've all heard that the modern human diet is seriously lacking the basic nutrients that we need to survive.  We have overcrowded our farms and depleted the soil just so we can fill grocery stores with produce that is clearly out-of-season.  What about the mass feed lots used for cattle so the numerous fast food restaurants can still pump out sub par burgers to unsuspecting consumers?  Or the juice companies that sell product with sugar water and other filler ingredients with only small percentages of actual juice? 
     Our population started to make enough noise that companies began to address these issues.  We see marketing everywhere now promoting locally supplied produce from farms that rotate their crops based on the season, which I'm a big fan of.  Companies are using animal welfare ratings to support a proper cattle ranch, and juice companies are now selling 100%, fresh pressed juice at relatively the same cost as the cheaper, tainted sugar water.  Now that treating our industry with as much respect as we treat our bodies and what we put in them has become mainstream, the cost to consumers isn't as detrimental. 
     What we're missing are the chemicals that are added to our food that are technically not as harmful as pesticides and other unnatural substances.  Astaxanthin is the chemical added to farm-raised Salmon that helps give their flesh the pink pigment typically associated with Salmon.  It's a copy of the pigment that Salmon eat in the wild but there it is, a copy.  The argument of farm-raised fish is a very polarizing issue since some believe that it's better than wild since you can control their environment. 
     Because of the overcrowded pens that Salmon are raised in, various antibiotics have to be used to keep them from developing disease.  In addition, sea lice is apparently a big issue so anti-parasitic chemicals have to be used so that farmers can sell this Salmon without backlash from consumers.  Generally, these substances haven't been seen as an issue for human consumption until recently.           
     Companies are now required to put these substances on their labels so that consumers are more informed on what their buying.  Some may believe that wild is better but here's the catch.  A lot of fish farms release toxins, diseases, and other parasites that infect the wild population.  How do you control the population of the massive ocean?  You can't.  So while we may strongly disagree with farm raised fish, here's the question that we have to answer.  Do we eat fish that is free of disease due to antibiotics and chemicals with color enhancing substances, or do we eat wild fish where we have no idea what we may be ingesting?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Process of Making a Wedding Cake

     A wedding cake is just part of all that makes a wedding.  Whether you have a small, one-tiered cake or a larger, seven-tiered cake one thing is important.  Not only does it need to look great, it needs to taste great as well.  I'm familiar with cakes and how to work with them but one aspect that will always make me a little nervous is the appearance. 
     I made my first wedding cake for our friends Angela & Cole's wedding.  They didn't want a large cake since they had a dessert bar as well, which was a blessing in disguise since I've never made a tiered cake before.  While I've made a cake before, this set a level of stress inside myself that I hadn't felt in quite some time.  No one wants to be responsible for disappointing a bride and groom and I'm no exception.  I've spent my career in food dealing with the savory side so this was a whole new world for me.
     First and foremost, you have to make sure that you understand the wants of the bride and groom.  Once you understand the flavors, size, style, and appearance in mind, you have to start planning.  Given that this was my first attempt, I spent quite a bit of time looking through web pages, books, and watching videos to gather any tips or techniques that I could.  It was a three day process since I had to work in the middle of it all.
     On day one I made all of the separate details, the orange mousse, two champagne cake layers, simple syrup, and Swiss buttercream.  I waited several hours to make sure the cake was completely cool before building the cake.  Slicing the layers in half horizontally, filling them with mousse and stacking all four layers was rather easy.  Confidence was setting in and I believed that I had this under control.
     The second day is when I started the decoration.  Icing the cake and making sure everything was smooth and even was time consuming but not as much as the small details.  Given that I'm a little hard on myself when it comes to anything in food, I had my worries on whether or not Angela & Cole would like their cake.  I will readily admit that I could have done better in terms of decoration but that all comes with practice.  If I get more chances to make wedding cakes, it will only get better.
     You can see my amateur attempt at building a cake below.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Plan

     Lauren and I were walking through a local farmers market last weekend and she saw something that sparked an idea.  I've talked about opening a coffee shop for quite some time now with hopes of roasting coffee and selling those beans.  This wouldn't happen for several years given the cost associated with starting a business and that's something that I've accepted.  Something that I've heard about before but never really gave it some serious thought was opening a mobile coffee business. 
     The food truck revolution has exploded in the last couple of years.  There are coffee trucks out there but not as many as traditional food trucks.  Because of this, I'm thinking about starting a coffee truck.  It will take some time since we have to take care of a few other things first and I have to do all of my homework before jumping into this, but I think it would be exciting.  I just can't jump into this expecting too much.
     There are a lot of permits and costs that are associated with starting a business but it would be a far cry cheaper than opening a traditional brick and mortar establishment. It's still going to be more than I can afford so we would have to make a decision on whether or not taking on investors or pulling out loans. Loans are not exactly what I would like to see since Lauren and I have plenty of those from both of our schools but it's an option.
     In the past year, I've thrown myself into Buddhism.  This is something that I've been interested in for years but I finally committed myself.  I've learned a very important lesson and that is to be satisfied with what I have.  I have a drive to build a comfortable life for my wife and I and our future family.  What that comfort consists of depends on us though, not what society tells us comfort is. 
     There will be definite stress involved with opening this business.  This stress can come from costs, equipment issues, down times of the year or hours that I have to work, but I'm not going into this to make a fortune.  If large success comes my way, I welcome it.  All I'm looking for is that comfortable life for my family as mentioned before.
     I'll try and be more proactive with this blog to keep anyone that is interested up-to-date on progress that is made.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Coffee + Arrogance = Disappointment

     I know that it's been a while since I've posted anything.  Life was a little crazy there with my new job but I'm using this post today to get something off my chest.  A lot of you know that Lauren and I plan to open a coffee shop in the future.  Hopefully a place where anyone that walks in that door can feel comfortable in our shop with a great cup of coffee. 
     Recently, Lauren and I visited a coffee shop here in Denver.  I've visited this place four times so far and what an unbelievable cup of coffee.  They're using the best grinders, the best La Marzocco machine, Chemex, French Press, Aeropress, you want it, they can do it.  They are the epitome of the up-and-coming world of coffee obsession and holy crap do they know it.
     I have a serious problem with coffee snobs.  I feared that I may have been one of those people but now, I just realize that I appreciate a properly made cup.  Finding a great bean, a great roaster, and great people to prepare it doesn't mean that you have to act like you're royalty.  When we asked them questions about some of their practices with coffee, their responses were arrogant and short.  While I appreciate the same practices with coffee and would like to continue some of them in my own shop, I refuse to employ people that act this way.
     Just because you're good at your craft, never means that anyone is below you.  Remember that these customers you're insulting are paying your salary and keeping your store alive.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Batch #3

     Well, it's been a little over a month and my Limoncello is ready to be mixed with the simple syrup.  Once a week, over the last five weeks, I've pulled the aging liquid out of its hiding place to give it a couple of turns.  This helps by agitating the zest to extract even more flavor out of those little strips.  It's amazing how something so small can create such powerful flavor.  I never open it though.  You definitely want to keep it in a nice and sealed environment to let the alcohol do its job.

     All I did in the picture above was mix equal parts sugar and water and created a simple syrup.  You want to make sure that your pot is nice and sterilized before you begin though.  Once you melt the sugar down in the water, simmer for a few minutes to ensure no crystals are left.  It's important that you do not let the mixture boil or reduce.  This will change both the color and consistency of your simple syrup and remember, we don't want to mask that beautiful lemon flavor.  Once finished, let the syrup cool completely.
     Before I add the cooled simple syrup to the jar, I strained out the lemon zest.  Again, make sure that you sterilize what you strain the liquid into so that when you return it to the initial jar, there's no issue of contaminating the liquid.  Honestly, if some bacteria gets into your Limoncello, the alcohol will most definitely take care of it.  The downside to not sterilizing everything will be a cloudy and slightly unpleasant end product.  It's just better to take the time.
     To finish, mix the alcohol and simple syrup back into the aging jar and seal it tightly.  Remember to clean any possible sugar from the outside of the jar since you will need to return it to the cool, dark place where it was before.  No one wants to worry about bugs in their closet right? 

     All that's left from here is to bottle your Limoncello.  I like to let it sit with the sugar for another month since it seems to develop a more sophisticated structure.  You can use any kind of bottle that you wish but I prefer the one's you see below.  Play around with the basic idea of this beverage and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jumping into the world of tea

     Are you a fan of tea?  It's a complex world with various types and even more flavors.  White, Green, Black, Oolong, Rooibos, Herbal, and Mate are some of the various types to choose from.  I guess you can say that it mainly depends on what you're looking to get from your tea.  When you want a little caffeine, but not the same kick you receive from coffee, all of these are great ideas except for the herbal tea.  While tea doesn't have the same effect as coffee, it at one time contained more caffeine than it's equal weight in coffee.
     Most teas in fact have more caffeine per concentration in it's raw state than coffee beans.  What happens is that when coffee is brewed, some caffeine is lost but not at the rate that tea looses it's caffeine concentration.  Some believe this is why tea is more beneficial at night before trying to sleep over coffee.  Just that little bit of caffeine you receive from tea can actually help stabilize your system to calm it down.  That seems a little backwards to me and I was skeptical so I did a little research.
     For the coffee drinkers of the world, researchers have found that if you maintain the same level of coffee consumption per day, it will stabilize your blood pressure.  That doesn't necessarily mean at good levels but that's another topic.  For individuals that are addicted to caffeine, and you know who you are, if you miss your caffeine intake, do you feel slow?  Do you start to get a headache?  Do you feel like you have some weight pulling you down?  It's because your body is now dependant on that caffeine. 
     Why tea is seen as a nice substitute at night is that if you begin to crash from your caffeine intake, your body starts to react in a way that inhibits you from feeling comfortable and able to get a good nights sleep.  This is why I typically drink green tea almost every night.  It helps me calm my mind before trying to get some sleep.  Green tea has also been shown to help with weight management, which as a chef, that can always help.
      Or maybe it's all just the effects of a placebo, who knows.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kale...inspiration for cheesecake

     I had the day off the other day and I decided that I would treat myself to a great cup of coffee in Cherry Creek, Colorado.  I sat at this coffee shop for nearly two hours reading my book and enjoying this amazing concoction.  When I started to get a little hungry, I thought that I would stop in the local Whole Foods and pick up something small to hold me over until I got home.  Just as I walked in the door and saw the Kale, I started to get a little inspired to make my wife some dinner. 
     I took my time, walking through the aisles, trying to get some ideas.  When I reached the meat counter, I picked out the Bison Sirloin.  I didn't want to make anything really complicated so I went for the typical American dish of meat and potatoes.  Lemon Marinated Bison Sirloin, Paprika Roasted Creamer Potatoes, Braised Kale, Honey Chia Wheat Bread, and Lemon Glazed Mascarpone Cheesecake. 

     The reason for Mascarpone Cheesecake is that I walked past the cheese counter and saw Mascarpone, so there you go.  I know that my wife loves lemon so I picked up some lemon cookies, and a Meyer lemon.  The cheesecake was a basic vanilla bean cheesecake but the crust was made out of the cookies mixed with brown butter.  What you see on top is a mixture of sugar, water, lemon zest, and lemon juice.  I cooked it down until it was nice and thick.  After the cheesecake cooled, I spread a layer on top and enjoyed.
     One tip that I can give is to make sure the cheese and sugar are whipped for quite some time.  Mixing well not only ensures the sugar is dissolved and evenly incorporated, it adds air to the mixture that creates a wonderfully light cheesecake texture.  Also, try to find some smaller molds at any kitchen store.  Making a full sized cheesecake is way too much for my wife and I so these are perfect, personalized little cakes.
     It's funny how Kale inspired a whole meal like this.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's that time of year again

      So, as mentioned earlier, it's that time of year to make Limoncello and the more I thought about it, the less I could wait.  This delicious beverage will not be ready to enjoy until the beginning of July but it's completely worth it.  The amount that I make usually lasts the entire year but that didn't happen last year.  To stay ahead, I'll probably make another batch in July when I bottle what you see above.
     It's such a simple process.  Lemons, Grain Alcohol, Sugar, Water, Jar (for aging), Strainer, Bottles.  When doing my research, I found that everyone has a slight variation to their Limoncello.  Some like to add Star Anise, some like cloves, some like mint, you get the idea.  This could go on forever.  Even the type of alcohol used and how many lemons are used varies for each recipe.  While intensely strong, I like using the grain alcohol since it doesn't impart any flavor and it's more traditional than using Vodka.

     After sterilizing the fermenting jar, I start by scrubbing the lemons under running water to ensure that they're clean.  Any contaminants on the zest will alter the finished product.  Zest all of the lemons but make sure that you do not zest the white pith since it will impart a bitter, unpleasant flavor in your Limoncello.  Combine the grain alcohol with your zest in the fermenting jar, seal it, and store in a cool, dark place.  I like to keep mine in the back of the closet behind our clothes to ensure that no light reaches the jar.

     This is the last step for another month and on May 2nd, I'll mix in the last step and let it sit for another month.  All that will be left is to strain, chill and enjoy.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Life on the Line #5

     Dealing with strange and/or very difficult customers in the food & beverage business is very common.  The severity of this can fluctuate but it still drives you a little crazy.  This has happened to me on several occasions but one in particular sticks out for me.
     It was your typical Spring Sunday brunch and service was proceeding very well.  We finally opened our patio and everyone was enjoying their spring inspired brunch in the comfortable, yet unreliable Georgia weather.  Service started at 10:30 and finishes around 3:00, depending on business.  This particular day we decided to stay open until 3:00 since the patio was still full. 
     Approximately an hour before closing, a customer sends back a hamburger he ordered saying that he found a hair.  Three of us looked for this hair and still couldn't find it.  We made a new order for him and sent it out on the linen lined plate that we typically did on Sundays.  A few minutes later, a guy comes back into the kitchen carrying the plate.  He drops it down on my prep table and says, "What do think this is"?  It took every bit of energy I had to not fly off the handle at this guy walking into our kitchen and getting an attitude. 
     He showed us the linen and how there were little hairs all over it.  We found out later that the linen company washed ours with a hair salon but that doesn't take care of the current problem.  We tried to apologize over and over to this person but he just wasn't interested.  He started to get a little loud saying,
     "What the hell kind of place are you running here, serving me food with hair, I can't......"
     Right then my boss walks in, cuts him short and rips into this guy.  I won't repeat to you all that she said but I can tell you the interaction ended in a way that the customer did not expect.
     "Who the &%@$ do you think you are," my boss yells.  "Get out of my restaurant and never come back".  Again, I'll spare you the extra expletives that came out of her mouth then.
     It all happened very fast but it's a good rule of thumb to not walk into a professional kitchen being disrespectful.  With the hours that we worked in that kitchen, we chef's were a little on edge and you never knew when we may snap.  That's an additional reason why I needed to find another, calmer side of the food business.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Making Limoncello

     I've decided to make another batch of Limoncello and I can't wait.  I will attach some pictures of the process to give a glimpse of how I make this.  It's an exercise in patience when making this beverage.  It takes approximately three months before it's ready to drink.  It's definitely worth the wait but you really have to like drinking something really strong.  I use straight grain alcohol which is 190 proof.  That may have already turned a few of you off to the idea. 
     If made correctly, it has a beautifully velvet texture with a sweet lemon flavor without having the tart fresh lemon kick.  You may think that Limoncello will have an unpleasant effect given the high alcohol content but it balances out in a way that even surprises me every time I drink this. 
     You never plan on sitting down and drinking an entire bottle or even a full rocks glass worth.  Limoncello is typically served chilled in small cordial glasses.  Believe me, that's all that you will want to have at one time. 
     I usually start this process every year at the end of March.  That way, it will be ready to enjoy by the end of June.  A nice summer beverage that will help you hydrate and take the edge off at the same time.  That's my opinion anyway. 
     Keep checking back since I will have a new entry and pictures of my process of making Limoncello.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Coconut Barfi

     So we have all tried fudge at one time or another.  Everyone has a different opinion on how it's made or what ingredients are used but the most popular is obviously chocolate.  My family has a fudge recipe using marshmallow fluff and it's really good but you never know, some may disagree.  Nuts or no nuts, it doesn't really matter to me but I wanted to make something a little different.  I wanted something sweet but I quite honestly didn't want chocolate.  Caramel is my favorite confection of all time but I didn't want caramel either.  What I decided on was something that I had never made before, Coconut Barfi.
     Coconut Barfi is basically Coconut fudge found primarily in Indian cuisine.  Coconut flesh and milk are used a lot more than I imagined but the flavor of the coconut as an accompaniment to some commonly used spices in India work beautifully together.  When researching Coconut Barfi, the common ingredients used are:
Condensed Milk
Clarified Butter

     The first three ingredients are mixed together in the pan.  I reduced the mixture until it was thick and had the consistency of peanut butter.  I then added the butter, mixed well and cooked for another minute or two and transferred the mixture to a greased pan.  I garnished the Barfi with the almonds and some more fresh grated coconut.  A few recipes that I found used cardamom as well but I decided to leave that out this time.
      I cracked a fresh coconut and shredded the flesh myself.  You don't have to do this given that it's very time consuming but the plus to the extra work is that you get the coconut water.  Coconut water is an isotonic beverage and without getting too technical, it aids in hydration much better than any sports drink in my opinion. 
      I love coconut and while this is not exactly a healthy alternative to chocolate fudge, it keeps the palate intrigued. 
Sorry about the size of the picture

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Making Valentine's Dessert for my Wife

    How Valentine's Day is celebrated depends on the couple.  Some couples do more than others and there's nothing wrong with that.  What's important is to make it your own.  In keeping with your particular style of romance, be creative.  Try not to do the same thing every year.  Getting flowers is something that I do every year for my wife but the rest is up in the air.  Sometimes we go out to eat, sometimes we cook for each other but gift giving is never that big for us.  Given our limited budget, we both had to be creative this year. 
     Lauren prepared homemade Whoopie Pies for me this year.  The cake portion was banana and the cream middle was peanut butter flavored, pretty amazing.  For me, being disappointed with the normal selection of confection's that are available in most stores, I decided to prepare homemade truffles for Lauren.
Chocolate Peppermint Truffles with Homemade Lemon Curd and a Dragon Fruit Infused Cream
(it was late so you'll have to excuse the amateur plating job)

Everything was fairly easy to make, just time consuming.  She loved them and made it all worthwhile.  No matter what you do for your significant other, stay creative.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life on the Line #4--Tasting Menus

     Tasting menus are a way to impress the diners at a restaurant.  They are a way to show your guests that the kitchen can do much more than what's on the regular menu.  Depending on the restaurant that you go to, tasting menus can follow a particular cuisine, seasonal flavors or something off the wall that is a drastic deviation from the regular fare.
     The last restaurant where I worked, we created a tasting menu every Saturday night.  Sometimes they were well thought out during the week leading up to Saturday, the other times they were written just the night before.  We tried to write our menus inspired by product that's seasonal and readily available at the local farmers market but it didn't happen every time. 
     There were a few menus that we created that we weren't completely happy with but yet again, we were our biggest critics.  There's so much involved in writing a special tasting menu. Since it's supposed to showcase what you can do as a chef, the last thing we wanted to do was disappoint people and develop a poor name for ourselves.  Reputation is everything in the food business.  When visiting a high-end restaurant, tasting menus tend to be rather expensive if they even offer one.  I cannot say that it's always worth the money but you'll never know until you try it. 
     I find myself writing tasting menus on my own time.  It keeps my culinary brain charged and gives me ideas to try.  This is why I keep a food journal of all the past things that I've done and the future.  This is what inspired this blog entry and here is the menu that I created today.

Course One

Roasted Beet & Arugula Salad
Candied Walnuts, Roquefort Blue Cheese, Pickled Red Onions, Sorghum Vinaigrette

Fig & Goat Cheese Tart
Fennel Preserves, Mixed Greens, 10 year Balsamic Reduction

Course Two

Mavrodaphne Glazed Ribeye
Thyme Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Parsley Sauce, Olive Oil

Grilled Arctic Char
Lemon Braised Kale, Fried Capers, Tarama Caviar, Avgolemeno Emulsion

Course Three

Butterscotch Bread Pudding
Coffee Buttercream, Dulce De Leche Sauce

Apple Tart Tatin
Housemade Pistachio Gelato, Triple Cream Brie Sauce

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012: A Brand New Year

     It's the new year and it's that time in every one's life where a resolution has been made that deals primarily with one's body.  The resolution that most people make is to diet more, or exercise more, or stop drinking as much.  Everyone enjoys their traditional holiday food and I'm no exception to that.  The one thing that I cannot do and don't recommend to others is to limit their food options. 
     I've known people in my life that decide to go on a diet but limit their food intake in such a severe manner that they inevitably break and revert back to the food items that they wanted to eliminate from their bodies.  I'm not saying that I have the best diet in the world, I could definitely afford to lose a few pounds.  It's when I altered my diet to eat healthier while leaving room for the occasional indulgence is what helped me lose eighteen pounds in just a few short months.
     Eat locally where you can, avoid fried foods, cut down your sugar and carbohydrate intake and it's amazing how much better you feel on the inside.  Most importantly, completely cut out fast food or highly processed foods.  Being a chef, I thought it would be difficult to alter my diet the way that I have.  It took some research but I've been able to still enjoy some amazing food without having to call it "health food" or "diet food". 
     There are so many facets to the world of food and to this day, after roughly sixteen years in the business, I am still amazed at what's available.