Thursday, December 13, 2012

Time for Baking

     It's that time of year when almost every home is baking something that is only seen during the Holiday time.  Depending on what part of the world you're in will determine what you'll see made.  The options are endless, sugar cookies, quick breads, macaroons, truffles, cobblers, croissants, cakes, pies, etc. etc.  In my family, we typically made the same cookies every year.  It became a tradition for us as kids to decorate those sugar cookies with the endless varieties of sprinkles and the like. 
     For my wife and I, we do this a little differently.  There are two treats that we make each and every year.  One is the ever famous Peanut Blossoms.  You know, the peanut butter sugar cookie with a whole Hershey Kiss on top.  If you're not familiar with this, keep checking back since it will be one of my posts.  It's a great little item.  After the cookie comes out of the oven, you gently push the Hershey Kiss down into the cookie while it's still warm.  After cooling, the Hershey Kiss maintains it's shape and you're ready to enjoy.
     The other item that we make every year is a family recipe that my mom made every year for the family.  I can't have a single Christmas pass without making these bars.  Its a peanut butter rice krispie treat basically, minus the marshmallow with a chocolate butterscotch layer on top.  Some people are not fans of peanut butter but I definitely am and these bars are out of this world good. 
     I've had a few requests to bake a few items for the Holidays such as Pumpkin Ginger Bread so I decided to finally pick this blog back up and start posting these items as they're made.  I've worked some of these recipes over and over again to make sure they're spot on, especially since we've moved here to Colorado.  Baking in Colorado is much different due to the elevation and humidity levels, meaning zero.
     Keep checking back for some recipes and pictures.  Feel free to try them yourselves, that's the whole point of this page.

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