Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012: A Brand New Year

     It's the new year and it's that time in every one's life where a resolution has been made that deals primarily with one's body.  The resolution that most people make is to diet more, or exercise more, or stop drinking as much.  Everyone enjoys their traditional holiday food and I'm no exception to that.  The one thing that I cannot do and don't recommend to others is to limit their food options. 
     I've known people in my life that decide to go on a diet but limit their food intake in such a severe manner that they inevitably break and revert back to the food items that they wanted to eliminate from their bodies.  I'm not saying that I have the best diet in the world, I could definitely afford to lose a few pounds.  It's when I altered my diet to eat healthier while leaving room for the occasional indulgence is what helped me lose eighteen pounds in just a few short months.
     Eat locally where you can, avoid fried foods, cut down your sugar and carbohydrate intake and it's amazing how much better you feel on the inside.  Most importantly, completely cut out fast food or highly processed foods.  Being a chef, I thought it would be difficult to alter my diet the way that I have.  It took some research but I've been able to still enjoy some amazing food without having to call it "health food" or "diet food". 
     There are so many facets to the world of food and to this day, after roughly sixteen years in the business, I am still amazed at what's available.

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