Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Coffee + Arrogance = Disappointment

     I know that it's been a while since I've posted anything.  Life was a little crazy there with my new job but I'm using this post today to get something off my chest.  A lot of you know that Lauren and I plan to open a coffee shop in the future.  Hopefully a place where anyone that walks in that door can feel comfortable in our shop with a great cup of coffee. 
     Recently, Lauren and I visited a coffee shop here in Denver.  I've visited this place four times so far and what an unbelievable cup of coffee.  They're using the best grinders, the best La Marzocco machine, Chemex, French Press, Aeropress, you want it, they can do it.  They are the epitome of the up-and-coming world of coffee obsession and holy crap do they know it.
     I have a serious problem with coffee snobs.  I feared that I may have been one of those people but now, I just realize that I appreciate a properly made cup.  Finding a great bean, a great roaster, and great people to prepare it doesn't mean that you have to act like you're royalty.  When we asked them questions about some of their practices with coffee, their responses were arrogant and short.  While I appreciate the same practices with coffee and would like to continue some of them in my own shop, I refuse to employ people that act this way.
     Just because you're good at your craft, never means that anyone is below you.  Remember that these customers you're insulting are paying your salary and keeping your store alive.

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