Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Plan

     Lauren and I were walking through a local farmers market last weekend and she saw something that sparked an idea.  I've talked about opening a coffee shop for quite some time now with hopes of roasting coffee and selling those beans.  This wouldn't happen for several years given the cost associated with starting a business and that's something that I've accepted.  Something that I've heard about before but never really gave it some serious thought was opening a mobile coffee business. 
     The food truck revolution has exploded in the last couple of years.  There are coffee trucks out there but not as many as traditional food trucks.  Because of this, I'm thinking about starting a coffee truck.  It will take some time since we have to take care of a few other things first and I have to do all of my homework before jumping into this, but I think it would be exciting.  I just can't jump into this expecting too much.
     There are a lot of permits and costs that are associated with starting a business but it would be a far cry cheaper than opening a traditional brick and mortar establishment. It's still going to be more than I can afford so we would have to make a decision on whether or not taking on investors or pulling out loans. Loans are not exactly what I would like to see since Lauren and I have plenty of those from both of our schools but it's an option.
     In the past year, I've thrown myself into Buddhism.  This is something that I've been interested in for years but I finally committed myself.  I've learned a very important lesson and that is to be satisfied with what I have.  I have a drive to build a comfortable life for my wife and I and our future family.  What that comfort consists of depends on us though, not what society tells us comfort is. 
     There will be definite stress involved with opening this business.  This stress can come from costs, equipment issues, down times of the year or hours that I have to work, but I'm not going into this to make a fortune.  If large success comes my way, I welcome it.  All I'm looking for is that comfortable life for my family as mentioned before.
     I'll try and be more proactive with this blog to keep anyone that is interested up-to-date on progress that is made.